Segment Eight – The Dominoes Fall

Since the late 1970s, industrial productivity has soared, while compensation for working level staff has stagnated. Because corporations have been showering money on upper level managment, and silencing middle level managers with non-disclosure agreements. Resulting in increases in poverty, and all of the associated morbidities related to poverty

While corporations continue to fight unions, cut worker salaries and benefits, move jobs overseas, and disparage their working level staff as lazy and entiled, a cascade of management failures has been piling up underneath their arguments…

Gross mismanagement cost 98 people their lives in the collapse of the Surfside Condo in Miami. Greedy management cost 346 people their lives in the twin crashes of two 737 Max jets. Everyone knew that a Katrina like storms would kill thousands, but bad management led to 1500 deaths. Government regulators did little to stop Oxycodone from killing have a million, and then failed to punish those responsible with criminal sanctions. But we continue to shower money on government and corporate management types

But somehow, we can never “find” enough money to properly compensate rank and file teachers. Or the workers that keep our warehouses stocked, or aid in their delivery. So that the average family struggles to scrape together $400 in case of an emergency…. While our political class continues to make empty promises, and focus on cultural value issues. If they’re not blaming immigrants, rather than those managers who shipped good manufacturing jobs overseas.

In short, we have a management crisis in this country, which neither party is either acknowledging, or addressing…

Because we have all fallen under the spell of celebrity culture, and empty slogans that continue to keep us in bondage.