Segment Ten – Resurrecting Goebbels

Support for the poor, in impoverished communities, and support for public education for all students, has been under attack by conservative politicians, and conservative advocates, because they thrive in ignorance…

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I’ll rise.

In past Segments, we covered prominent figures like Ayn Rand and Jack Welch, in our “Philosophical Road to Ruin”

Next, we will discuss Charles Murray, the author of “The Bell Curve”, a very influential social science book, that used biased statistics to justify Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy…

In fact, Charles Murray is so enamored with Ayn Rand’s philosophical framework, that he has written a number of articles, “praising” her work. That is because, Murray’s work is tied at the hip of Rand’s Objectivist philosophy.

But first, we must define “Social Darwinism”…

Spencer sought to apply the Evolutionary concept of survival of the fittest to human societies. Effectively, comparing human societies to the jungle.

So much so that actual human zoos began popping up in places.

A practiced that is mirrored in our modern day immigrant detention camps

Social Darwinism was originally popularized during the British colonial expansion in the late 1800s, and early 1900s.

It formed the philosophical foundation for Brittish colonization for much of the third world…

For the plundering of third world minerals, diamonds, gold, and oil supplies.

And it was well accepted, as long as the people being impacted had brown skin

But it fell out of favor when Hitler popularized the concept in Nazi Germany…

And used it as an excuse to invade and occupy most of western europe…

But some ideas may sound good to you, when its you that is holding the guns…

When Charles Murray’s “The Bell Curve” was published in 1996, it purported to use statistics to prove that raw intelligence was the indicator of success in American society…

Its basic premise was that intelligence was the key to success, whites are inherently smarter, blacks and hispanics stupid, winner take all

Murray adds that because blacks and hispanics are incarcerated at higher rates, they are morally inferior as well…

Murray further maintains that factors like poverty, racism, segregation, the fruit of black inferiority, thus the power balance is irrelevant.

But most scholars immediately recognized “The Bell Curve” for what it was, a biased rehashing of Social Darwinistic, and Nazi racial theories

Or, as Mark Twain once put it…

But that didn’t stop Charles Murray from producing a parade of books, all defending the idea that some classes of people simply deserve to get all the marbles, based on biased intelligence tests…

Culminating in the book “Facing Reality” in 2022, where he basically states society must now accept the stupidity of people of color, and their inherent moral inferiority.

Feeding the voracious appetite of conservative readers, who were pre-disposed to believe his biased views in the first place

Laying the ground work for Donald Trump claims that Haitian immigrants were stealing people’s dogs, and eating them.

Of course, Murray’s premise that non-whites are of lower character, depends on how you measure the character of men

For example, is suffocating a man without benefit of trial, a sign of good character?

Is repeatly exploiting the poor using fraudulent financial practices, a sign of good character?

Is murdering a black child, for walking through a white neighborhood, a sign of good character?

Is intentionally marketing a highly addictive drug, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, a sign of good character?

Is shooting a black man, because he was trying to cooperate with a traffic stop, a sign of good character?

Is marketing and selling weapons that continue to be used to mow down school age children, a sign of good character?

Or how about hiding flaws in the planes you are delivering, resulting in 346 deaths…

How about robbing the elderly of their retirement accounts, through financial fraud?

Or sheltering all your income in overseas accounts, leaving the middle class to shoulder your tax burdens

Or running a white slavery racket, and using your political connections to cover it all up

Or that little issue of mass shootings, and assassination attempts, which is predominently a white male phenomnon

President George W. Bush deliberately shut down FBI efforts to pursue wealthy white collar criminals, citing 911 priorities…

Causing white collar crime, mostly the province of white males, to skyrocket

And how can any criminal justice system claim to be fair, with racists texts of the sort illustrated here, being used by officers of the law…

Of course, no one is excusing black crime, merely making the case that the justice system is biased in favor of white criminals.

The truth is that Charles Murray’s “Facing Reality”, is just another example in a long history of racist propaganda, intended to justify the accumulation of wealth among a select few

White slavers spread the idea the god had cursed the black race to justify their exploitation of the slaves

They said that segregation was god’s will, although they didn’t let that stop them from bring black slaves here from Africa.

They said white brains were larger, and that proved whites were smarter. Never mind that white women’s brains were smaller, and that whales had bigger brains than white men.

They said that Evolution’s “Survival of the fittest”, also applied to societies, although no formal proof existed of this.

Nazi Eugenic theory stated that jews were an inferior race, though Jewish citizens had won a large number of Nobel prizes.

And it Madison Grant, who originator of the White Replacement theory, though the GOP has been making heavy use of it of late.

And the movie “Birth of a Nation”, which painted former slaves as wild beasts out for the flesh of white women, would establish a pattern of casting black characters in demeaning roles.

Which paved the way for the original insurrection that was intended to overthrow FDR’s Presidency

With the practical objective of placing limits on immigration, placing limits on social programs, promoting limits on population growth, promoting mass incarceration, and ultimately, inacting passive or active forms of genocide.

But everything requires a plan, doesn’t it?

Psychology Today lists the steps of dehumanization as, to first state that the target group has subpar intelligence. Secondly, to use infestation analogies. Thirdly, to compare target groups to animals. Fourthly, to use threats of violence against target groups. Fifth, to use mass incarceration, to remove target groups from society.

But let’s not lose track of what all of this smoke, and all of these mirrors are masking in reality…

And thus, Charles Murray has been working hard to deliver that justification for selfishness

We can put whatever lable on it we want, “Social Darwinism”, or whatever. It simply a thinly veiled argument for selfish behavior

And Charles Murray is just another hard working magician, trying hard to pull the wool over the eyes of regular working people…

And protecting the interests of the rich and powerful

An inconvenient side effect for Murray and others advocating the use of I.Q. tests to segment society, is to reveal that it is Asians who scored the highest on such tests. There is no record that Murray or his cohorts are interested in acknowleding that China or Japan are thus, superior cultures.