How many of us have undertaken the unenviable task of attempting to explain a complex concept to a child?
Depending on our preparedness and approach, responses can vary from totally not getting it…. To suspicious and skeptical… To total rejection outright…To engaged, with a growing hunger for more…
Because of course, some approaches are much more effective than others.
And this is important because…
The time is coming when…
It may be just too late…
To get through…
But children are young, and haven’t lived enough life to gain real perspective… Its up to us to give it to them, before they get it from their immature girlfriends. They’re arrogant and immature boyfriends. Social Media. The angry “Media Influencers”, left and right. Bigoted politicians with Presidential aspirations. Or the biased Corporate Media complex, pushing their own agendas.
So, its important for us to be the chief influencer in their lives.
To provide true perspectives on history, filling in the missing pieces that they don’t have…
And before our own history gets lost in Media’s biased depictions of history